Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Secret

i am sure that everyone knows about The secret phenomenom. does it really work? that i am still trying to prove. One of the rules is that you have to tell the universe what you want and constantly think of it, constantly trying to make the universe give it to you. that and it has to have positive connotations, no i will not's, it should be all i will have's and i am's. So im thinking hey, maybe my trying to will it to me is not enough why not put it out here in writing so that everyone can will it for me too? genius isnt it? haha here's a list of the things i want to happen

1. I will travel
2. Business to be very very good! (throw some customers my way guys!haha)
3. I will receive a new seagull tlr camera
4. I will receive that cream city bike with saddle bags that i saw in that sports shop at the fort

That's it. i'm not a greedy girl, little things make me happy.


1 comment:

Alice said...

I want that bike too!!! -alice